What does it take to be a successful cake decorator?

EQ: What is most important in making profit as a Cake Decorator in today's economy?

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Summer Mentorship Component

Answer the following 5 questions.  Remember to link the log of your mentorship hours using google docs (drive).  Post your blog response on your senior project blog.  We check it there. 

  1. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0ArAlQS2inC8udFVJZ1g1d3lIMG9zTEtJTW1KM2hRSlE&usp=sharing
  2. La Puente Bakery #1: (626) 961-4545,     #2: (6260 851-9223
  3. How did you get the idea of owning a bakery? Where did you get your training at? How is your business successful?


     4.  The most important thing that I gained from this experience is that the customer is the "boss" and that whatever they say will be. An example of this is that at the second bakery there was a special order and the client said that they wanted a picture and a bunch of army toys on their cake, but the thing is that the cake was too cluttered. In the end the client got what they wanted.


      5.  I've always had a passion for cake decorating, but after this experience I have decided that I want to go further than what I already know. I was just so moved by the diverse clients and I like to do things different.

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